Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Dancing a little jig today...

Its over... its really, finally, actually over.

Per the results on the Post Dispatch web site, with 98% of precincts reporting, Darla Baker, Kim McGuiness, and Rao Kaza are all elected or re-elected to the Rockwood Board of Education! Congratulations to each and every one of them. They fought hard, but always fought fairly and positively. They worked hard, always portraying a positive message. And they won, showing that a positive message and a passionate, dedicated group of volunteers can accomplish whatever they put their minds to.

Congratulations also to the volunteers, their fantastic campaign committee. These ladies and gentlemen worked unbelievably hard to elect these three, working together over the last few months, collaborating in crafting the finely tuned campaign you saw unfold, and getting the word out about these three wonderful BOE members. A job unbelievably well done.

I'd also like to offer my congratulations to Chuck Spohr, Matt Fitzgerald, and Sam Maraldo on their campaigns as well on a race well fought.

I encourage each and every one of my readers to attend the first Board meeting with the new directors this Thursday night. I am so sad that I'm out of town this week, as I really wanted to be there, especially so given the election results. Go and see for yourself the new tone and direction of this Board. I'm sure you'll be pleased.

-- happy as can be,

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