Friday, September 7, 2007

Should the superintendent blog?

If Dr. Larson had a blog, would you read it? Would you add comments to it?

He is considering starting a blog to better communicate with Rockwood students, faculty, staff, parents, and patrons. If he did this, would you participate? You'd be reading things he directly wrote, you'd be able to respond directly to him, and hear what he thinks. You could have a conversation with him online.

If you're interested in this, please email me through this blog or leave a comment here. I'll gather them up and forward them to the district.




Andy Finkenstadt said...

I would read what he has to say. I fear he'd open himself up to claims of censorship if he ever had to delete a comment that was just hateful or ugly, and if he decided not to delete those comments, then the thing would be overrun with hate speech.

that's my fear.

Anonymous said...

I would love for the Superintendent to have a blog. Just another way to communicate and keep parents informed on district issues. As most people know, comments and questions would have to be approved by the moderator so I don't see it possible for hateful or ugly speech being an issue. It would be no different than blogs for others. Dr. Larson has always been accessible to parents and I would see this as a natural progression of this.

What a positive thing for Rockwood. Surely, certain members of the BOE will not like it.